cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Hello, yes I am back from the last trip.  Another to the UK. I managed to pick up a few nice stamps for my collection while there and a few others which will, when I get a few spare hours, go into the cddstamps online store

This se-tenant pair is from the recent  Ladybirds Book issue. I think you might find a nice clean used se-tenant pair hard to come by  - coming to the cddstamps online store soon.  This issue was released at the London Stampex 2017 show back in September.  I have no idea why as I cannot find any materials about a commemorative event.  Perhaps a reader will know?

As I write it is Halloween tonight. have a great a safe time.

Best wishes       Michael


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